Johnnie Moore

Determinedly Detracting Delta

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Katherine Stone does some determined detracting of Delta Airlines.

Delta’s new full-page ad campaign for its launch of Simplifares really grates on my nerves. The ad features the headline “How one airline is changing everything ” as well as the company’s new slogan “Good goes around.” Are you kidding me?!

As a Delta Medallion member and resident of Atlanta, I feel I can discuss Delta with a fair amount of authority. Firstly, on the headline “How one airline is changing everything”, Delta clearly was not the airline that changed everything. Have they never heard of Southwest Airlines or JetBlue? If we were being perfectly honest here, the ad might have read “How one airline finally got the picture” or “How one airline eventually got a clue before going completely bankrupt”.

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