Johnnie Moore


Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Christopher Carfi talked about comment feeds on the latest Hobson & Holtz report. And Jackie from Customer Evangelists commented on the fullest feed I do. So I’ve uploaded a couple of text files with the templates I use and quick instructions for doing the same in Movable Type. Typepad Pro users can do this too I think. Comments welcome. (I can’t now remember the blog which guided me through this in the first place, but thanks to whoever it was!)

Comment feed template

Fullest feed template

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Blogging for Ourhouse

Welcome to the Ourhouse Weblog. Blogging is something I’ve become increasingly interested in. Earlier this month I set up the Beyond Branding Blog which is


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking – and worrying – about collaboration. I think the ability to collaborate effectively is becoming ever more essential

Just Undo It?

The AntiBrand: blackSpot sneakers, a project by Adbusters attacks Nike directly. In doing so they take on what has become one of the great icons

Trust and NGOs

My friend Olaf Brugman has invited me to take part in a workshop in Brussels on October 29th. It looks set to be an interesting


I’ve finally started paying attention to RSS and all this stuff about “Blog Aggregators”. The final shove was wanting to get Martin Roell’s English feed.

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


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Johnnie Moore

Let them take cake

I was very impressed by Dr Ben Goldacre in this remarkable TV smackdown of Prof Susan Greenfield and Dr Aric Sigman’s sensational claims about Facebook rotting children’s brains. There’s even

Johnnie Moore

Canadian disguise

Thanks to Aleah’s blog for pointing to Traveling abroad? Disguise yourself as Canadian For $24.95 offers the “Go Canadian” package, full of just the kind of things an American

Johnnie Moore


Shawn Callahan sometimes shares this little video clip with people without much preamble, and then asks them what they see happening: OK, most people ascribe human emotions and actions to

Johnnie Moore

Speaking the unspoken

I’ve been thinking a lot about what goes unspoken in the world in general and in my little slice of it in particular. There I go, thinking again, but I