Johnnie Moore

173 Drury Lane

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I’ve just launched a new blog – 173 Drury Lane a place to talk about Sainsbury’s – with my friends Freddie Daniells and Max Blumberg.

Over coffee a couple of weeks ago we found ourselves interested in the fate of Sainsbury’s. (A food retailer in the UK once pre-eminent, now troubled.) We realised we each felt a sentimental attachment to this brand (in my case, because I worked for Lord (Alan) Sainsbury for a year).

We thought it would be interesting to read a weblog about Sainsbury’s. So as the company hasn’t created any that we’ve seen, we’ve created one ourselves.

We named it 173 Drury Lane, after the address of the the very first Sainsbury’s, opened in 1869.

Here’s how we describe the purpose of the blog:

We created this website because we wanted to generate an online discussion about the future of Sainsbury

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