Johnnie Moore

All grapefruit are lumberjacks

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Sorry for the attention seeking headline but I wanted to see how far I could take this idea of making sweeping generalisations as a way of attracting attention.

I also wanted an ironic title for a post about Evelyn’s good observation that most marketers are beggers. The “most” is a good qualifier and I like what Evelyn says here.

I have noted time and time again that most marketing and sales professionals take on the role of a beggar more often than not.

It’s a pitiful sight. They are frantically running up and down the beach jumping up and down waving dim-bulbed flashlights hoping beyond hope that any passing ship will notice them and take refuge.

She goes on to suggest that you might prefer to aim for the place where people don’t need to be pestered, they are drawn to you.

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