Johnnie Moore

Gee shucks

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Declan Elliott has some very kind words about me. The feelings are entirely mutual. Check out his thoughts on Perpetual Betas.

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There’s more potential in each moment than we realise

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-07-07

Start Before You’re Ready | Steven Pressfield Online "Remember, the enemy is not the work. It’s not the difficulty of the work. The enemy is Resistance."

Johnnie Moore

Tough packages

David Weinberger had me laughing with his struggle to open the packaging of a bit of kit from Logitech. Here are things that are easier to open than your packaging:

Johnnie Moore

Podcasting soon

I’m going to be co-hosting (with John Winsor) the first Brandshift Show a podcast linked the corresponding blog. We’re aiming to record on February 24th, and the theme is going

Johnnie Moore

Innovation without IP

Tim Kastelle has a great post on Innovation without Intellectual Property Protection prompted by this TED talk by Johanna Blakely. It turns out there are lots of huge industries that