Johnnie Moore

Heading for the mountains

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Well, judging by my writing style of yesterday, I need a holiday.

So it’s good that I’m taking one. I’ve just booked my flights to Banff in the Rockies for the Applied Improv conference. It’ll be a chance to catch up with blog-friends including Andrew Rixon and Patti Digh.

The best part will probably be the Open Space on the last day. I’m thinking of offering a conversation with the title “But what if we’re all wrong about this…?” and seeing who shows up with what ideas.

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Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-11-24

Douglas Adams and the Aberration of the Twentieth Century | A classic piece from 1999. Central idea: 20th century an aberration in following a broadcast, rather than interactive model.

Johnnie Moore


I liked Hugh‘s latest cartoon accompanied by this explanation (from here) One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently

Johnnie Moore

European Improv Conference

The first European Conference of the Applied Improv Network is set for 10-11 March in Amsterdam using mostly Open Space. Should be good!

Johnnie Moore

Collaboration, the difficult one

Dwight Towers spotted this interesting post on barriers to collaboration. I’ve noticed that collaboration seems a lot easier to talk about than to do and this article looks at some