Johnnie Moore

It’s the engagement, stupid

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Dept of straws-in-the wind.

Hugh is now working for Microsoft an organisation he’s been teasing, challenging and generally joshing for months now.

Flattery is starting to look so twentieth-century, don’t you think?

(And judging by this from Lloyd, they do need Hugh’s help)

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Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-12-21

Ghetto Testing – Only Dead Fish Ghetto testing is geekspeak for going to prototype rather than researching abstract ideas with potential customers. "question customers with prototypes not questions" Online, Anonymity

Johnnie Moore

The problem with incentives

Dan Pink gives a punchy TED talk about the adverse impact of incentives. He reports studies that show that offering incentives will increase performance for routine tasks. But for activities