Johnnie Moore

Meetings as maps of the system

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I lke Chris Corrigan’s suggestion that meetings reflect the basic operating system of a group of people. He reflects on the perils of trying too hard to change it too suddenly.

Systemic change does just happen because you have a good theory and some smart ideas. It happens because you have sensed the timing and offered the right things at the right time. I’m not saying that we should shortchange people either and simply offer them comfortable options not by any means. But a system’s tolerance for challenge is a sensitive thing and walking the edge comes with high stakes.

I know I’m in generalising territory, but I’m increasingly suspecting that some apparently rigid systems are nothing like as immune to change as they may seem… but Chris is spot on that we have to take risks to see if that notion is true in practice.

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