Johnnie Moore


Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Geoff has been trying out 5Rhythms dancing and picks up on Viv’s and my recent posts about bodies and movement. He adds this thought:

I still fall into the trap of separating out the ‘deep thinking and struggling’ workshop processes with movement-based activities. I think we have some notion that they are a good warm-up or ‘brain-gym’ activity for the brain. Maybe its the integration of movement/play with rational/serious thinking that is needed. It’s why I am fan of simple activities like Walking-Talking meetings.

That resonates strongly with me. Lately I’ve been challenging the idea of doing playful activities and calling them “warm ups”. I think that creates an opening to dismiss them as mere preliminaries, rather than take them seriously and see how much there is to learn from them.

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links for 2006-02-10

Risley Ranch: Daddy what’s death? Jeff’s blog is getting better and better since he decided to make it more personal (tags: blogging death taoism) —–