Johnnie Moore

Not getting it

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I took this picture on Thursday here in Islington. A few hours earlier Graeme Souness had been sacked as manager of Newcastle United.

London’s Evening Standard has long reported news in the style shown here, a teaser. It has always irritated me, so blatantly designed to make me buy the paper to uncover the mystery of who it is. (Similar examples go “Test Cricket Result” or “Shock Court Verdict”.) These days, as well as being irritating, it strikes me as plain stupid. Has the Standard failed to notice how hooked up and connected we are these days? Do they seriously think they can succeed by positioning their newspaper as the way to get the latest news on anything? Surely they should give up this silly teasing and try to offer me something more substantial.

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