Johnnie Moore

Nuff said

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Hugh‘s latest daily cartoon:


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There’s more potential in each moment than we realise

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

Conference ruts

Harold Jarche makes some good points about the frustrations of conferences. For instance a problem is presented in a plenary session and participants are immediately asked to brainstorm & give

Johnnie Moore

The best thing about best practice…

.. is the practice. The “best”? Not so much. I usually panic a little when people ask me about best practice in facilitation. I found myself emailing this to a

Johnnie Moore

Survey fatigue

I’ve just completed a survey handed to me at Euston station the other day. It’s one of those standard multiple choice jobbies. Don’t ask me why I did it I

Johnnie Moore

The Geography of Thought

I’ve been enjoying The Geography of Thought by Richard E Nesbitt. Nesbitt explores differences in the thinking between Eastern and Western cultures arguing cogently that the very way we filter