Johnnie Moore

Practice, practice

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Two interesting posts on practice: Chris Corrigan’s The purpose of practice is practice

Practicing kindness possibility seeking and deep listening on a daily basis ingrains those skills and capacities. It makes you a better facilitator. It makes you a better parent and a better citizen. It even makes you a better cabinet maker, a better financial analyst and a better claims processor.

And this from Andrew Sullivan: Practice and the self

We like to think of the brain as some kind of separate part of the body. It isn’t. And what exercize and diet and sleep do for the body, thought and practice and sleep do for the brain. And when this kind of practice of something becomes effortless, when it becomes second nature, instinctual, it becomes part of you and you of it. You simply cannot describe the great skill of a craftsman, or a cook, or a priest, or an artist except by observing how he or she has become what she creates and does.

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