Johnnie Moore

Sig’s blog

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I’ve started reading Sig’s blog as it’s engaging and suitably quirky. For instance, in this post, he takes on people who ask these questions

“Who’s your market”, “how will you enter the market?”, “how will you reach the decision makers?”, “what’s your go-to-market strategy?” and “what’s the value proposition for your target market?”

Here’s how he visualises his experience of this approach…

… before giving some pithy alternatives which I recommend reading in full. For me, the best insight was this:

Neither I nor you is the market!

I think that captures lots of wisdom about how marketing really works in a networked economy. What if we’re all tiny pieces of a bigger picture? Not the masterful geniuses tasked with finding the lever to make everyone else bend to our purpose.

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Johnnie Moore

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Johnnie Moore

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Johnnie Moore


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Johnnie Moore

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