Johnnie Moore

Telephone seminars

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I’m going to run a couple of telephone seminars in April. On the 20th on Improv at work and on 21st on Facilitation.

The idea is to create a bit more interaction with potential clients share some ideas and offer some insight into what it’s like to work with me.

They will be free, apart from the cost of the phone call. I’ll probably limit to numbers to around eight participants. All welcome. Details here.

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Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-10-03

Johann Hari: Drug Warriors — It's Time for You to Go to Rehab I found this quite persuasive. The war on drugs mentality seems a rigid belief system that doesn't

Johnnie Moore

Brick wall or campfire

I made a new friend today Jeremy Sweeney. Here’s something from his site that might indicate why: Brick wall or camp fire organisation. Brick walls help build structures. Camp fires

Johnnie Moore

Knowledge Management, Apparently

Our seventh phoric podcast (originally scheduled for April 1) is out. Rob and I were privileged to host Dr David Vaine of Apparently Knowledge Management. He is a true thought-leader