Johnnie Moore

Telling stories

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I’ve been enjoying Jon Strande’s Storyblog and finally got round to sending him a story I liked (The Rabbi’s Gift). There are a few different versions online but I decided to write my own version because… well because I felt like it I suppose. This took a lot longer than just sending a link to an existing version but was quite fun to do. One of the nice things about storytelling is that everyone can add, consciously or not, their own spin. They can put a little of themselves into the story. Comparing my effort with others, it’s interesting to see the little differences of emphasis. Big lesson here for brands – are you leaving people the space to put their own riff on your story?

After sending Jon the story, I went out for lunch with my copy of the Art of Possibility. Resuming reading, after two pages I came across… Ben and Roz Zander’s version of the same story. Cue music from the Twilight Zone.

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Johnnie Moore

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From the new (and rather good) Four Groups Blog: Costs and Quality. Bruce Lewin spotted this on the mailing list of UK-HRD. Nothing personal – this happens every couple of

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links for 2010-09-06

Wise words from Harrison Owen about the differences between OS & barcamp/unconferences "organizing a self organizing system is a questionable undertaking involving a great deal of unnecessary work"

Johnnie Moore


Stumbled on this and wanted to share it.

Johnnie Moore


I’ve just received an email containing a “pre-invitation” to a “case-based learning experience” about how “indiviuated social media can be instrumental in transforming employees into leaders”. This is apparently, something