Johnnie Moore

Who is behind the Office Max blog?

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I just got linked from the Office-Max blog. It seems to be some kind of corporate blog but there is no “about” page or any clue as to its author. There are frequent gratuitous references to visiting Office-Max which would suggest the dead hand of a marketing professional is at work here… on the other hand, it also points to articles about Office Max accounting difficulties. The first post covers the resignation of its CEO over this issue.

So I’m left puzzled: who is behind this curious blog?

Is it a corporate stunt and thus a contender for a Hughtrain Beyond Lame award? An example of a corporate on a learning curve? A rogue employee who loves stationery but doesn’t like management?

Am I being naive?

Any thoughts?

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