Johnnie Moore

Facilitation as a leadership style

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Steve Davis (in his regular newsletter) has been thinking about Facilitation as a leadership style and brings up a table created by Richard Weaver & John Farrell in their book Managers as Facilitators. I’ve pulled out a few rows that I found interesting, but read Steve for the fuller story. Some of this made me smile, in recognition that facilitation sometimes feels like a weird job. I think this grid points towards some of the distinctions between facilitating and taking control.

Concerned with doing the right thingConcerned with doing things rightConcerned with helping people do things
Takes the long term viewTakes the short term viewHelps people find a view and articulate it
Hopes others will respond and followHopes others will complete their tasksHopes others will engage in the process
Inspires innovationInspires stabilityHelps people respond to things that are new and things that

remain the same


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