Johnnie Moore

Expert sacks himself

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

You’ve got to admire David Sackett. He has declared that

he would “never again lecture write, or referee anything to do with evidence based clinical practice”.

Sackett is not doing this because he has ceased to believe in evidence based clinical practice but, as the BMJ comments, because he is worried about the power of experts in stifling new ideas and wants the retirement of experts to be made compulsory….

This is Sackett’s second retirement from expertise. In 1983 he was an expert in compliance with therapeutic regimens. He wrote a paper calling for the compulsory retirement of experts and never again lectured, wrote, or refereed anything to do with compliance.

Hat tip: Bob Sutton who (fortunately) has not sacked himself yet.

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