Johnnie Moore

In the red corner

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Harry Hill’s silly-but-funny TV show always goes to the commercial break with him setting up a stage fight between TV characters over something. I thought of Harry when I read Chris Lawer’s latest – Free Prize Inside: Edgecraft. Chris reviews Seth Godin’s latest book. Here are a couple of snippets:

Seth Godin’s new book, Free Prize Inside, champions the role of “soft innovations” in creating the next “Purple Cow” (!) and making the organisation “remarkable”… I’m all for the latter but from what blurb I have seen about Seth’s new tome, his new cow appears to be firmly stuck in the muddy field of incremental product innovation…

Incidentally, the idea of Free Prize Inside is not new. Ulster University Prof Stephen Brown (“The finest writer in our field today”

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