Johnnie Moore

More Bohm

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I’ve been rereading stuff by David Bohm and my head is full of his ideas. Too full for me to put them into decent form in a blog post.

Fortunately, both Dwight Towers and Antonio Dias have been having a go.

Dwight is heading for Bells Beach tomorrow for a schmooze with me and Viv. I think it’ll be good.

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There’s more potential in each moment than we realise

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

links for 2011-03-30

Speak Schmeak: The truth about 7% – 38% – 55% Stumbled on this today useful background on the most overused "fact" in training. An Innovation Challenge: Learning From Failure «

Johnnie Moore

A small incident suggesting a lost plot.

I popped into WH Smith to buy a paper this morning. As I pushed my pound coin across the counter the assistant mumbled something about a pound. I couldn’t make

Johnnie Moore

Assimilation vs Accumulation

I just got a terrific article in a facilitation e-zine, Master Facilitator Journal. Observing the overwhelming amount of stuff in the (Western) world and the glut of information we have

Johnnie Moore

The blooper reel

There’s a lot of creative energy in failure, if you don’t take it too seriously. Here are some of the out-takes from our recent video shoot. In some ways it