Johnnie Moore

Networks and creativity

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Keith Sawyer spots some research that looked at some famous “loner” creatives and found that their most creative periods coincided with less social isolation.

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The joy of conversation

I’ve just had a delightful meeting with Emma Cahill co-founder of publishing house Snowbooks. They describe their approach thus: We publish far fewer titles than


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking – and worrying – about collaboration. I think the ability to collaborate effectively is becoming ever more essential

Thinking or Doing?

I spend too much time thinking. A friend revealed to me recently that he would describe me to acquaintances as a brain on a stick.

Denham Gray on the unspoken

No sooner do I finish my last blog than I stumble on Denham Grey’s eloquent thoughts: Wonder if you can really capture tacit knowledge by

Speaking the unspoken

I’ve been thinking a lot about what goes unspoken in the world in general and in my little slice of it in particular. There I

Upcoming events

I’ve always really enjoyed speaking in public. Don’t know why, just do. So I’m chuffed that a couple of interesting events have come up for

Verna Allee

I’m just back from Brussels where I took part in the conference “Knowledge Sharing in Networked NGOs” organised by Olaf Brugman in his role as

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-09-10

Give Me Something To Read As if we need more things to read, this is a list of popular stories from Instapaper.. Measuring success in narrative culture The radical value

Johnnie Moore

The gamers love song

For game obsessives and their enablers…. This made me laugh. From Google Video (be patient for the first minute…)

Isn’t it?

how even the subtlest shifts in conversation can generate a different response from an audience

Johnnie Moore


There’s an interesting discussion going on at Chris Carfi’s blog provoked by his post, Lie la Lie. The reference to The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel is made more relevant