Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Pomposity is a wonderfully plosive word.

I’ve been thinking lately that the first physical manifestation of pomposity is a failure to breathe out freely. It’s often an unconscious defence and it’s effect is literally to puff the perpetrator up. I suspect that pomposity doesn’t start out with the intention of attacking.

Still I think pomposity is probably the biggest barrier to innovation. When we don’t breathe well, we try to remove ourselves from intereracting with the real world, at a molecular level.

When we’re pompous, we become a human balloon. We can either resume breathing and get real. Or we can inflate ourselves until we burst. Or eventually just lose control, much like the balloon a kid releases that flies crazily around the room.

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Johnnie Moore

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links for 2010-11-28

Tax Hikes Status Competitiveness and Social Stratification « naked capitalism Restates the argument that less equal societies can mean even the rich in them are less happy than in more