Johnnie Moore

Chris Corrigan on living systems

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Rob and I did our latest Phoric podcast with Chris Corrigan, who was pretty awesome. Chris never fails to provoke and engage and his choice of videos was fascinating.

The first features a guy who learnt how to move huge stones using small ones. He shows how on his own he can move a one-ton block 300 feet per hour. Then he shows how he can move a whole barn using the same principles or lift a massive block up high. Remarkable. As I say to Chris in our chat, it rehabilitates the whole of idea of leverage in organisations.

He says that “gravity is my favourite tool” and I love the notion of using the least effort to achieve a result. What a great video – I’d think of showing it to a group of people trying to tackle a challenge as a bit of inspiration.

Chris other choices are equally engaging, and if you listen to the podcast, see if you get as seduced by Chris’ worldview as I always do.

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