Johnnie Moore

A day of noticing

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Next month in Dublin I’m running a workshop with Kay Scorah.

We’ve called it our Day of Noticing and it’s on April 3rd. Here’s the blurb (pdf) Among other things it says:

We think far too many of these sorts of workshops set out tantalising shopping lists of outcomes – but as a result deny the most important factor of all: what can happen spontaneously when a group of people get together to share learning and experience.

We will encourage you to achieve a new level of attention and noticing. We’ve come to believe that developing this kind of awareness is central to our own practice when working with individuals and groups. Attention to yourself and others to your immediate environment, to your inner voice, to what others are saying and doing. We will share tools and games that we have ourselves found useful, and that we have used with thousands of groups over decades of experience.

Kay will be bringing her own special perspective, including years of Yoga practice and I’ll doing my best to manage my less-than-stellar sense of mind-body connectedness in her presence.

I think we’re both aiming for a day that gets the difference between solemn and serious.

Kay’s handling bookings for this one, in determinedly Web 1.0-or-less kind of way: email kay (at) or phone her on (+353) 872455020. We’re suggesting 200 Euros as the rate for the day but we’re open to offers from anyone outside a corporate womb and feeling the chill winds etc etc.

We’ve also slated 26 June for running a different workshop with the same description in London. That’ll be more Web 2.0 in bookings, once I’ve sorted out eventbrite.

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