Johnnie Moore

Tough questions

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Rob’s got an excellent and provocative post on the state of the world. Here’s his opening:

I find what is going on with our financial system right now a bit like watching a parent die of a terminal illness. We all lie to each other until it is too late to speak the truth or to ask the right questions.

I have a sense that we’re in a kind of “phony war” phase at the moment with a lot more hard truths to be addressed. And I think Rob’s close to the mark here too:

If we will never go back to a binge society what will we all do? Our whole society has been based on the binge – only a tiny fraction of us worked on real things. Those that did grow food, look after children, know how to make real things – did poorly. The rest of us who were employed on unreal things did better.

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