Johnnie Moore

Rules and control

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Quite a few people have been linking to Michael Pollan’s Food Rules. I thought this idea from Laura Usher had relevance beyond food:

Dont’ create arbitrary rules for eating if their only purpose is to make you feel more in control

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Emotional debt

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Johnnie Moore

Papal bull

The Times reports The Vatican has been accused of trying to cash in on the Pope’s words after it decided to impose strict copyright on all papal pronouncements. For the

Johnnie Moore

Creating more productive meetings

I’ve just recorded a half-hour interview with Kristi Casey Sanders of We talked about some of the ideas in the book and focussed on some of the simpler things

Johnnie Moore

Trust in a bottle

Great spot by Tom Asacker: Scientists have identified a hormone to create trust. What I love about stories like this is their potentially disruptive influence on established best practice!

Johnnie Moore

Not rearranging

Creativity is not the clever rearranging of the known  – Viola Spolin (again) But don’t we fallible humans often wish it was? So much training and education is packaged to