Johnnie Moore


Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Everyone’s seems to be into co-creation and crowdsourcing these days. Here’s a lovely reality check for lazy brands who assume too much about what to expect. It’s the phenomenon of “yes I’d love for you to collaborate by washing my dishes and peeling my potatoes”

Hat tips Katie Chatfield and Kirsty

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The joy of conversation

I’ve just had a delightful meeting with Emma Cahill co-founder of publishing house Snowbooks. They describe their approach thus: We publish far fewer titles than


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking – and worrying – about collaboration. I think the ability to collaborate effectively is becoming ever more essential

Thinking or Doing?

I spend too much time thinking. A friend revealed to me recently that he would describe me to acquaintances as a brain on a stick.

Denham Gray on the unspoken

No sooner do I finish my last blog than I stumble on Denham Grey’s eloquent thoughts: Wonder if you can really capture tacit knowledge by

Speaking the unspoken

I’ve been thinking a lot about what goes unspoken in the world in general and in my little slice of it in particular. There I

Upcoming events

I’ve always really enjoyed speaking in public. Don’t know why, just do. So I’m chuffed that a couple of interesting events have come up for

Verna Allee

I’m just back from Brussels where I took part in the conference “Knowledge Sharing in Networked NGOs” organised by Olaf Brugman in his role as

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

Benny Hill on social networks

In a hierarchical world the cohesive authority group has the edge over a loose agglomeration of individuals. In a networked world the scales may be reversed. The loose agglomeration have

Johnnie Moore


A couple of weeks ago I met Stefan Engeseth, author of the recently published One. (There’s a free download of the first chapter there). One is Stefan’s riff on the

Johnnie Moore

United Channel 9

I flew back from New York on United on Monday. I’ve done this trip with them 3 times this year and it seems to work out well. For one thing

Johnnie Moore

Nothing is Written, Learning is an Adventure

Viv and I have written a new small book.  Here’s the opening page. You can download it here. In the film Lawrence of Arabia, there’s a scene where Lawrence is crossing the desert. One