Johnnie Moore

What is training for?

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

The focus of your core training should be on creating the space and capability for great thinking and relationships.

That’s Lisa Haneberg on how to ensure training is not a waste of time. I so agree.

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Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-11-29

Accept Defeat: The Neuroscience of Screwing Up | Magazine Suggests two parts of the brain can alert us to anomolies but then in some circumstances, delete them from our awareness.

Johnnie Moore


Jake McKee knows a thing or two about creating customer communities and his post on seeing it through is a good example of his news from the trenches. It reminds

Johnnie Moore

Do-it-yourself conference

Marc Canter is fed up with the speaker list at the Supernova conference this summer and is planning an alternative: So I say lets just do our own conference, charge

Johnnie Moore

Oxbridge anecdote

I was reading Dave Snowden’s latest post on western cultures preference for thinking in categories rather than relationships. I associate this with a liking for the reductionism of lists. It