Johnnie Moore


Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I’m still feeling great after running a facilitation day for a client with my friends at The Clarity Partnership last Friday. This was an opportunity to work with a leadership team using a mixture of reflective practice (meditation) theatre/improv games and elements of visual dialogue (a process using pictures to capture problems and get people talking about them). It was a joy to work with a client who wanted to use these very human practices to open up conversations and support team building.

This year I’ve been really apprecating the ideas of Curt Rosengren whose personal mission is to get people to follow a career that reflects their passions. Closing the working year with this workshop I had the sense that I was following mine. What goes with that is a sense of deep satisfaction different from a more adrenalised sense of elation. I really love faciliation work, especially with clients who are willing to step into the unknown and see what can be discovered. Wonderful things happen when people find ways to be truly present to each other’s experiences, and the mixture of reflective practice and Improv really allows this to happen. Next year, I want to do much more of this kind of work.

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Emotional debt

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Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

Understanding vulnerability

Camila Batmanghelidjh asks why child protection remains such a challenge in the UK. There aren’t simple answers but I so agree with her on this point: Nationally we comfort ourselves

Johnnie Moore

Improv Arvo update

I’ve now set up an Eventbrite page for the Improv Arvo on Saturday November 1st 3pm-6pm – so go there to register. As we say no agenda or objective apart

Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-12-19

Good for nothing | Made by Many Another great review of goodfornothing. Excellent guiding principles include: think through doing; work small, share fast; it's not about a big vision; and

Johnnie Moore

No more heroes any more

Ok, a small additional riff on the theme of my earlier post. Katherine Stone wrote an interesting response giving some examples of personal experiences and stories having more power than