Johnnie Moore

Reinventing universities

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

A tweet from Rob Paterson pointed me to John Robb’s post Industrial Education. I’ve thought for a long time that our current university system has become prohibitively expensive and vulnerable to the kind of shake up the music business is experiencing. John explores the issues in more depth.

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

Caffeine versus creativity

I threw out this tweet the other day and it seemed to strike a chord with people: Innovation too often equated with rush… accelerators storming, multicoloured postits stimulus, sugar &

Johnnie Moore

So near, yet so far

James Cherkoff is thankfully safe in Sri Lanka. He reports Liz and I are in Sri Lanka. We arrived in this beautiful country ten minutes before the tsunami did. We

Johnnie Moore

It’s perfectly simple…

I’m enjoying Duncan Watts’ Everything is Obvious. It’s a lucid takedown of the many easy mistakes we make in explaining how things happen in the world. To summarise it very

Johnnie Moore


Alain Joudier has a nice post today on the strange and poncey (sp?) job titles being dished out these days. He was provoked by Hilton’s invitation to speak to a