Johnnie Moore

The underground will never work

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

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Pointless, again

Grant and Tom both dispute this article by Lance Ulanoff: MySpace, Second Life, and Twitter Are Doomed. Ulanoff begins: Don’t get too attached to MySpace.

Works in practice only

The problem with Wikipedia is that it only works in practice. In theory, it can never work. – Miikka Ryokas computer science student quoted in

It’ll never work

Inspired by a post by Earl Mardle I’ve added a new category to this blog, It’ll Never Work. I’ll use it to flag stories about

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore


Yesterday the RSA hosted Richard Thaler co-author of Nudge. I found Thaler very engaging and I loved his theme: that we can support a lot of changes in society with

Johnnie Moore

Play and presence

Those who like to deride the touchy-feely should look away now. Bernie deKoven found these rather inspiring words on the Good Clean Love Daily. At its source, playfulness is a

Johnnie Moore

A bit more on smarter conversations

Hugh’s post (see below) prompts me to suggest the following: Focus groups are rarely if ever a way to have a smart conversation with customers. Showpiece ads about how clever

Johnnie Moore

Film financing crowdsourced

I liked this: Three British teenagers crowdsource the funding of a film of a little know Jules Verne novel. Hat tip: Neil Perkin’s recent slideshare.