Johnnie Moore

Buttons pressed?

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

One of my friends from the world of Improv Andrew Burnham has sent me a nice little thought piece on being in the moment(pdf). It’s about how our buttons get pressed and a way of dealing with this.

If a golf ball hits you on the head is the pain in the golf ball or is the pain in you? Of course the pain is in me you say. It’s easy to see that our reactions are not in the difficult people or challenging situations. Our reactions are clearly in us so why not look for solutions where they really are and not where we are unlikely to find them?

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links for 2011-08-29

BBC News – Anna Hazare's movement – a reality check for India A bottom-up insurgency against the establishment no doubt with its flaws but triggering classic elitist bluster from those

Johnnie Moore

Concreting Complexity

I’ve been thinking about the urge to scale things lately – see here and here. I understand the concern with being able to effect big social change and simultaneously see

Johnnie Moore

Ning and Open Space

Carman Pirie has an interesting post about how he used ning to support a real world Open Space event. Like Carman I’m concerned not to let recording of conversations become

Johnnie Moore

I spoke too soon

So yesterday I smugly say that conferences where we have to sit and endure powerpoint are “exactly the kind of event I would avoid these days.” And yet barely 3