Johnnie Moore

Facilation as dressage?

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I was having a chat about faciliation with Rob Paterson on Skype and he came up with the analogy of dressage. If you watch this (amazing) Youtube of a horse doing its thing chances are you’ll be watching the four-legged animal not the two-legged one. After all, its the horse that’s doing all the work, and the guy is just sitting there.

In fact, the rider is doing all sorts of small stuff with his muscles to co-create the show – but he’s not drawing attention to himself at all.

It’s not a perfect analogy, of course. Facilitation isn’t about control but I’m focussing here on the apparent lack of activity, the discipline that requires, and allowing the other(s) to be the star, not yourself…

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