Johnnie Moore

Cynefin Framework, down under

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Shawn from Anecdote plays with a new web app called Sketchcast. He uses it to explain Dave Snowden‘s Cynefin framework. The result is something rather brilliant I think:

This is a great bit of co-creation from which I learnt a lot. Dave’s model is pretty awesome and Shawn’s iteration helped me understand it better; the use of human drawing softens the edges of the diagram – and that fuzziness itself is very significant. It reflects a key theme that the model addresses and it also makes the model less intimidating to the learner.

It also allows Shawn to put his own work – based around narrative – in context in a way that shifts my understanding of it. Thanks, Shawn, great job!

Update, April 2009: Sketchcast went out of business, so Shawn’s done a version on YouTube:


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