Johnnie Moore

QR codes

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

It never occurred to me that QR codes could be useful in meetings. But then Stu Field got me thinking about it. He’s been experimenting with using them to make it easier for students to pursue links from his lectures. Could save a lot of time on laborious spelling out of web addresses.

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links for 2010-04-13

The Fertile Unknown: A Simpler Way Revisited A nice short version of Meg Wheatley Freedom In the Cloud Eben Moglen talks about the threats to our freedom posed by cloud

Johnnie Moore

My brain hurts (a little)

Dave Snowden serves up a very high fibre meal today. His focus is on the ways our brains are not like computers, referencing this list of ten key differences. I

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Charles Jennings gives a concise explanation of the 70:20:10 model for learning in organisations. It posits that most learning takes place “on the job” and about 20% through conversations with