Johnnie Moore

We can’t go on meeting like this

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Together with my friends Oli Barrett, Stephen Wrentmore and Trish Stevenson I’ll be hosting an evening called We can’t go on meeting like this.

It’s on September 6th 6 for 6.30pm till 8.30pm. Somewhere in Central London, exact venue to be confirmed.

This emerges from my experience of all sorts of events of late. I think there may be a gap in the market for something that allows us to meet in ways that are more satisfying. The focus is on connecting with others in engaging ways – without resorting to formats of expert speakers or simply pouring drinks, putting on music and hoping for the best.

We’re hoping this will become a regular thing, and a chance to play with different meeting formats.

It’s free, and we’re limiting places on this first one to 30 and we’ll see how it goes. Hope to see you there, I think it might be fun. And please tell your friends. Register here.

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