Johnnie Moore

Talking straight

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Thanks to Hugh for highlighting this insight from Kathy at Headrush: Your user’s brain wants a conversation:

When you lecture or write using conversational language, your user’s brain thinks it’s in a REAL conversation!

In other words, if you use conversational language, the listener/reader’s brain still thinks it has to hold up its end, so it pays more attention. It really is that simple, and that powerful (at least if you really want to help users pay attention and remember your message)…

If you’re using formal language in a lecture, learning book (or marketing message, for that matter), you’re worrying about how people perceive YOU. If you’re thinking only about the USERS, on the other hand, you’re probably using more conversational language.

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Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-09-12

SCVNGR’s Secret Game Mechanics Playdeck I've managed to stay out of World of Warcraft for a year now. This is a pretty useful guide to the multiple game mechanics that

Johnnie Moore

Pigeonholes are for pigeons

I got an email about Primary Colour Assessment this morning. At a loose end I took a look. It’s one of those things where you answer a load of multiple

Johnnie Moore

Wellsprings of innovation.

I liked Denham Gray’s analysis of the spectrum of knowledge management: Everyone positions themselves somewhere along the spectrum from knowledge creation (awareness learning, community) to intellectual capital (knowledge assets branding,

Johnnie Moore

links for 2011-08-20

Police got the wrong man: Salford teen charged with Miss Selfridge arson during Manchester riots is cleared | Manchester Evening News – I think we're seeing how some people's