Johnnie Moore

Catching up

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I’ve been busy lately (hence rather few posts). At the start of the month I was over in the US helping Rob Paterson, facilitating an Open Space conference for NPR. It was great to meet Rob in the real world and find we could collaborate together so well from the get-go. This was another of those experiences that really underline the value – often less visible to the outside world – of being a long term blogger.

I was also able to scoot down to Richmond VA to meet Mark Brady another long standing blogging friend. One of the things we talked about was a shared frustration with branding-as-usual. Mark is spending a lot of his time now on development, trying to create more vibrant communities within the city.

Back home, I’ve been doing more work for my friends at Policy Unplugged, using Open Space again for a large firm of business advisers. Yesterday we ran a half-day conference on the future of the Further Education Sector. Next Monday (with James) I’m part of the team running Web 2.0 for Good and later that week I’m running an Open Space for the BBC on the subject of user-generated content. Next month I’ll be faciliating an experimental event called What’s Right With These Young People, in conjunction with Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen Foundation.

Tomorrow I’m off to the Blogs and Social Media Forum and early next month I’ll be at Reboot 8. I hope to see some of you there.

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