Johnnie Moore

I’m being spoofed

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Oh dear the contents of my inbox show that some spammer is spoofing my email address in his or her efforts to plague the world. I don’t suppose there is anything I can do about this, but any suggestions would be welcome… UPDATE after 30 mins. No it’s not spam, it’s the MyDoom/Novarg virus which is now doing the rounds.

Worryingly, some emails bearing this have eluded my installation of Norton Anti-Virus, even though I have their latest definitions which include Novarg. That’s the first time this has happened so it’s just as well I was suspicious. I got the diagnosis from my web host.

And I notice that it’s hard to find a way at the Symantec site to actually report a virus their software hasn’t found… So that’s another two small dents in the Norton reputation for me…

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