Johnnie Moore

Not the best days of my life

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Roger Schank looks at what google searches have led people to his blog. It’s both funny and sad. It leads him to this statement and I pretty much agree.

Most kids are miserable in school. We need to stop teaching the silly stuff we teach in high school and stop creating high schools that make students miserable. Apparently we do this in most every country.

I was just chatting with a friend today about how much I enjoy things like yoga and swimming and how everything about physical education at my school had the opposite effect on me. And I think the assumptions made in all areas of school curricular are in large part responsible for why so many organisational meetings are so terrible.

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Johnnie Moore

links for 2006-02-05

Joho the Blog: Get Human…The Movie David Weinberger reviews GetHuman… publishing the simple shortcuts to bypass automated phone systems and talk direct to a human being. Just the sort of

Johnnie Moore

No straight lines

I enjoyed Alan Moore’s slideshare from Reboot Britain, No Straight Lines. It’s worth taking a good look. Al kicks off with a very funny story about a train journey and

Johnnie Moore


So in the next reflections video I talk a bit more about the wisdom of Monty Python when working with organisations… And here are the two clips I refer to.