Johnnie Moore

Keeping conversations inside the room

Steve Yastrow blogs his new article, The Window and the Mirror. This prompts some further thoughts about the difference between change, and just talking about change.
Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Steve Yastrow blogs his new article The Window and the Mirror.

Whenever I ask a new or prospective client to describe the issues that confront his or her business they inevitably describe forces from the outside world that stand in the way of success. These forces could include competitive threats, fickle customers, economic conditions, intransigent unions, the weather

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore


Harold Jarche and Adrian Segar added some useful comments to my recent post about the pitfalls of plenary sessions. Essentially I was saying the the one-to-many centralised way of handling

Johnnie Moore

Practice, practice

Chris Corrigan has been the biggest single influence on my work as a facilatator. One of his many gifts has been his championing of facilitation as a practice which he

Johnnie Moore

The trouble with models.

David Simoes-Brown reflects on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and wonders about the possible selfishness involved in the top layer of self-actualising. He finds Maslow himself elaborates on this. I was