Johnnie Moore

In praise of inconsistency

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Brian Oberkirch likes this post by Umair and so do I. Like them I loathe the notion of one-word-equity. The other day James highlighted the wisdom of Etsy’s Robert Kalin, which feels way more sane and humane. Here’s Kalin:

There is no “Etsy” in the monolithic sense of a single identity or being. Etsy is the several dozen employees of Etsy, Inc. and even more, the several hundred thousand members of the community. As I see it, large corporations try to sanitize all their outgoing messages for the sake of keeping face. It is very easy to identify this kind of behavior.

Whenever you read something and it sounds like a series of pre-made phrases strung together, instead of a human being speaking, this is sanitized communication. To me, this stuff sounds inhuman.I want Etsy to stay human. This means allowing each person’s voice to be heard, even if it’s squeaky or loud or soft. I will not put a glossy layer of PR over what we do. If we trip, let us learn from it instead of trying to hide it; when we leap, let’s show others how to leap.

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