Johnnie Moore

Time to act and learn

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

There’s a lot to chew on in Chris Corrigan’s latest post Leading from a platform of reverence, but this part particularly struck me today:

We have time only to act and learn. We don’t have time to create a long term plan, develop consensus and choose only one path forward. The hubris of this approach makes any plan subject to the political machinations of the interests embedded in dying systems. Those machinations took the last great global attempt at Kyoto and scuttled it and now we are out of time. The time for planning is over, and the time for a myriad of experiments and activities is upon us. Indeed, the future is already beginning to speak through the millions of activities, social entrepreneurs, community organizers, cultural practitioners, business leaders and teachers who are not waiting for the sanction of the whole, but who are instead addressing the challenges head on and devoting their lives to saving humanity from it’s own stubborn refusal to change. And they are also showing the way forward by sharing what they learn in novel and accessible ways.

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Johnnie Moore

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links for 2006-05-08

Fiat invites customer input to new car design Reuters reports sceptically on this exercise in customer engagement. Found via Stephan Liute’s newsletter. (tags: marketing opensaucelive opensourcemarketing participation branding) —–

Johnnie Moore

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Johnnie Moore

The genie out of the bottle

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