Johnnie Moore

Workshop news

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Just an update on workshops I’m playing with at the moment…


I’ve been co-creating this with my friend Viv. We tried it out in raw form in Melbourne and then ran it with 25 or so enthusiastic people in Sydney earlier this month. (Kudos to Matt for organising it brilliantly.) It explores a few ideas around creativity challenging the reverence for big ideas in favour of finding delight in the “smaller” details that make up the human experience.

It builds on the thinking in the “Notice More Change Less” days I ran last year with Kay Scorah and mixes some chunks of content (eg Dave Snowden’s thinking around complexity and Keith Sawyer’s terrific research on group creativity) with exercises drawn from improv, and some simple but fascinating awareness exercises.

I really like the way this one has worked so far. Plans are afoot to offer it in Copenhagen and London at some point over the next few months, probably in a two-day format.

Difficult conversations

I’ve been thinking a lot about difficult conversations. The ones we dread holding. The price we pay for avoiding them. And the unfortunate consequences of overthinking them. (See this post for one of my favourite stories on that point.)

I’m thinking of offering a workshop with this theme over the summer, probably somewhere nice in Oxford or Cambridge with an overnight stay. It most certainly will not be offering a simplistic, “seven steps” “solution” to the issue, but a real opportunity for participants to explore their own challenging conversations and experiment with new ways of having them.

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links for 2006-02-06

BusinessPundit: Business Students are Cheaters. and apparently the only group who cheat more are… journalism majors (tags: journalism MBA) —–

Johnnie Moore


Jake McKee knows a thing or two about creating customer communities and his post on seeing it through is a good example of his news from the trenches. It reminds

Johnnie Moore

Crichton on Complexity

Shawn Callahan at Anecdote links to a video presentation on complexity by Michael Crichton. Sean highlights these quotes: To learn how to manage complex systems takes humility. To manage complex

Johnnie Moore

Petticoats showing

I had a lovely lunch today with Russell “Interesting” Davies. Something he said made me wonder if there was a special word to describe the phenomenon where someone says something