Johnnie Moore

Brand Mel?

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Laura Ries comments on the Mel Gibson story. Would I be the only person who has something to do with branding who felt uncomfortable with this line?

He began the brand healing process early which is the only thing to do after a crisis of this magnitude.

Laura talks about the “brand” as if it is a separate thing from the man; that’s one way of looking at the issue I suppose. But when you juxtapose the word healing with that I start to feel anxious. If you want to talk about brands as somehow separate from human beings it muddies the waters if you then describe the brands as if they have some kind of soul.

Personally, I’m not a big fan of people talking about other people or themselves as brands. I have the same reaction when people talk about themselves in the third person. There’s something dehumanising about it.

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