Johnnie Moore


Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

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Waterfalls and chaos

I linked to this paper on wicked problems the other day and Chris Corrigan commented “there’s a lot in that paper eh?”. Which is true.

Passion branding

Passion brands bring people together based on common interests and excitements. I’m particularly interested in ones created from the bottom up, as opposed to driven by producers concerned mainly with profit.

Medinge Moments

Just back from another extraordinary gathering at Medinge where the community that has produced Beyond Branding meets each summer. I was planning to keep this

The volatile chemistry of trust

Interesting research from Stanford suggests that exciting brands get more trusted after making mistakes and putting them right whilst more “sincere” brands start with more trust but lose it more easily. Perhaps the sensible interpretation is that second-guessing customers can be a waste of time!

What brand are you?

Thanks to Matt Tucker at Smith Associates for telling me about What Brand Are You. It strikes me that lots of companies waste money on

Just Undo It?

The AntiBrand: blackSpot sneakers, a project by Adbusters attacks Nike directly. In doing so they take on what has become one of the great icons

Putting humanity into branding

We live in a world of too much marketing and too much branding. People’s faith in advertising has fallen to new lows as we simply

New Abbey

So the Abbey National is rebranding itself this morning. As I write this entry, they are revealing their new look, their shortened name (just “Abbey”)

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

Torching empty rituals

The recent disruption of the Olympic Torch ritual fascinates and frankly excites me. I’m glad to see China’s Tibet policies challenged and I also see this as part of a

Johnnie Moore

Wasting or engaging brains

Annette Clancy spotted this YouTube: A vision of students today. Michael Wesch asked his students – what is it like being a student today? – and dozens of them collaborated

Johnnie Moore

Chevy mixes it up

It’s been fun watching the frenzy over the Chevy Tahoe ad campaign. GM started a competition for anyone to create an ad for their SUV and some folks created some