Johnnie Moore

Sauce opened

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Well Friday saw James’ and my first Open Sauce workshop and it seemed to go pretty well. (Here’s James’ account of it)

I learnt lots from it too which I think is a good sign. (I’ve got more and more sceptical about hey-wow training events, and prefer to run workshops where we assume everyone has something to learn.) James set up a Open Sauce page for examples of good and bad Sauce and for the first time I really got what is about.

Delegates had widely varying interests and needs so we kept the format fairly open to encourage side conversations rather than dictate the agenda.

The day reinforced my view that collaborative marketing is not really a new thing, and it’s something that comes naturally to humans. And it’s also clear that in organisation-ville there are still plenty of institutional barriers that get in the way.

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