Johnnie Moore

The Quiet Launch

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Good posting by Evelyn Rodriquez: The Myth of a Quiet Launch (Thanks to Robert Scoble for the link)

Is it just me or is there a pattern here? What is this “quiet launch” meme about?

Maybe quiet is more effective in an overloaded information world. I don’t have the quote handy, but I remember reading in Mark Gobe’s book, Emotional Branding, that a whisper in this attention-is-currency world stands out and would be remarkable.

Quiet has power without the (brute) force.

A quiet launch is counter-intuitive. But it’s a totally deliberate (and effective) strategy.

It’s not just you, Evelyn. I’ve written before about the danger of “big idea” thinking (see here) Instead, I want brands to offer a good service, take part in engaging conversations, and stop wasting money on image-building. This reminds me of Alan Mitchell’s delightful piss-take on brand narcissism

In Greek legend, Narcissus was the poor creature who was so enraptured by the sight of his own reflection that he pined away, gazing at it until he died. Modern psychiatrists classify narcissism as a clearly identifiable personality disorder.

According to the American Psychiatric Association

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