Johnnie Moore

Social capital in markets

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Earl Mardle picks up on my post about MakeUpAlley and talks about SewingPatternReview and the success of Trade Me

These people come here to buy and sell stuff where do they get off holding online conversations about everything from music to dealing with depression? Don’t they know the web is about monetising something or other? Where on earth is the value in all this blabber? Well they are doing what happens in every genuine marketplace in the world, where the trading is only half the reason for being there; and the value approximates $700 million of Fairfax money somehow.

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Waterfalls and chaos

I linked to this paper on wicked problems the other day and Chris Corrigan commented “there’s a lot in that paper eh?”. Which is true.

Passion branding

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The volatile chemistry of trust

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Emotional debt

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Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

Applied Improv Conference

This autumn’s Applied Improv Conference (New York Sept 29-Oct 2) is looking set to be a great event. We’ve just added an opening session on the Thursday evening called The

Johnnie Moore

Emergent Organisations

Chris Corrigan orginally pointed me to Peggy Holman and Anne Stadler‘s thinking on Emergent Organisations. This is rich material, and Chris provides a good summary as a way in. In

Johnnie Moore

Sleep on it

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