Johnnie Moore


Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I noticed that Wikipedia didn’t have a page for co-creation which struck me as a bit ironic as wikipedia is one of the finest examples of it. So James John Winsor and I exchanged a few thoughts and put together a very simple first draft. Please do go in there and improve upon it.

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Change This…

James and I have penned a new manifesto for Change This: Co-Creation Rules Regular readers will know that I’m no fan of lists. I’m not

Beyond the black box

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Open Sauce in London

James and I will be running our next Open Sauce Live workshop in London on Tuesday 17 October in conjunction with our friends at NMK.

Co-creation Rules

James and I are getting to work on a new manifesto for Change This. It’s called Co-creation Rules a deliberately ambiguous title. Our aim is

Open Source Research

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A little extra sauce

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Ok, James and I have now got a website – for our Open Sauce Workshops. And a couple of early bookings for the first

Getting saucier…

Ok so James and I are making progress on our Open Sauce workshops. We didn’t get our act together for our original date but we

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

The Corporation

Over in Beyond Branding I’ve blogged Robert Paterson [UPDATE linking me to this efilmcritic review] of the provocative documentary, The Corporation. Here’s a snippet: The Corporation is comprehensive, damning, brilliant

Johnnie Moore


Leadership? Innovation? Knowledge Sharing? There’s so much said about all of these and much of it of the hand-wringing kind. As I’ve said before a lot of those conversations are

Johnnie Moore

Dying to the known

I’m running a workshop called Creativity, Collaboration and Coherence. It’s on Friday February 14th in London – details/booking info here. I’m running it jointly with my friend Peter Kajtar and we’re

Johnnie Moore

Ordinary connection

The Power of Ordinary Practices describes how apparently mundane interactions with managers have a major impact on people’s work. Management and leadership are so often described in heroic terms which